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create cultural frameworks in Zone Three.  Interpretation and adaptation through evolution of thought are here.  The larger scheme of things can be predicted, ex: microcosm reflects macrocosm, ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny, and fractal geometry.  Here speculation occurs, going beyond what we can ascertain through the senses and logic together.   This is an integrated active-receptive mode, a three-dimensional activity bound to matter. ZONE FOUR: MESSAGES FROM OTHER ZONES. This is where boundaries are crossed between thought as perceived and thought as possible.  This Zone includes future predictions, “deja-vu,” communing with animals and nature, awareness of past lives, messages from the dead, and some states of grace.  This is the Zone where the Cloud of personal experience meets with content beyond the direct experience of the senses, stepping outside time-space as we commonly understand this, through side steps of intuition and discovery. Here awareness occurs going beyond what we can ascertain through the senses coupled with logic. This is a supra-perceptive state, involving the self with fourth dimensional concerns and information. ZONE FIVE: PERCEPTION OF OTHER ZONES IN RELATIONSHIP. In this Zone, awareness of information from all lower Zones comes together, allowing for heightened receptive abilities, but without the unification principles to create using this information.  A state of great expectation leads to unifying, clarifying premises, but the skill and tools are not available to allow this to reach functional potential.  Yet, answers occur.  Action may be taken in response to heightened awareness.  But a fog still hangs between the person and complete understanding. This is a higher Zone preparation stage, a state of heightened receptivity, reflection and response, without the ability to be able to functionally create the confluence of circumstances for that information to occur in its primary state.  This Zone usually occurs after many experiences of crossing the boundary between the third and higher dimensions, and before it is possible to arrange any crossings for oneself. This is a responsive state of heightened intuition and preparation. ZONE SIX: GOVERNMENT OF ALL OTHER ZONES. This is a state of great power and responsibility.  It is a highly informed state where the elements of nature may be managed in relation to the person and the description of the physical universe.  Here understanding, intuition and experiential knowledge become united in service and activity.  In this Zone healing with hands or through mental process across distance may occur.  The elements are seen as pliable resources, and government of these resources becomes a possibility.   This Zone is home for beings who are fully integrated within receptivity and activity in the material world.  This is expressed through joyful, thankful service to humankind, and through contemplation that needs no borders.